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Sep 8, 2012


The key to want something and get it, is Faith.

Similarly to the so called Law of Attraction that science somehow explained, I have been mastering the same tactics and strategy that they have revealed and put into words since way before it came to be a book.

I have called it many names too.

I discovered it since I was 12, when I started to think and realized my environments.

This is how I put it:

To want something, is to believe that you already have it.  It's just not in your hand yet.

I have experimented with it a few times, and contrary to popular beliefs, I have made it possible to make myself to think about it positively and always. We need to focus.

You want an apple.  And that apple is not with you now.

By applying belief in the notion that you ALREADY HAVE the apple, you just made your wish came true.  It will eventually come to you in time, depending on your belief.

The stronger that feeling of 'wanting' it and the more belief that you put into this theory, the better the chances are that you are gonna get it.  Here's my way of doing exactly this:

I trust myself to be truthful to myself.  Get it?  Possibly, no.
You've gotta trust yourself to tell yourself the truth.
If you say you want an apple, but inside you really do not trust your mouth. "I want an apple... 'but seriously, how do i get it?'"
Boom, you can end your dreams right there and then.
Is it a lie?  Depends on what you would call a lie.  A lie is the untruthful which means you're not telling the truth but something else.  Is believing a lie, then?  No.  It's what you envision yourself to get.

Mind you.  It's not about the PERIOD OF TIME that you are going to get it.  YOU ALREADY GET IT WHEN YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE GOTTEN IT.

It's about how does it come to you.

The apple, when you say that you want it and you believe that you already have it, may come in forms of, say, an apple pie, an apple candy, an apple core, a sign depicting an apple, a book about apple, an iphone, a macbook, or even something gotta do with Isaac Newton.

This is where vision comes in.

You have gotta make it CLEAR that the apple you want is truly the real fruit.  Not anything else.  Get a picture of an apple, or imagine it, then state clearly that you already have the fruit and it is coming to you in a form of a fruit.

"An apple.  I want an apple, and I want it in the form of the fruit and something that I can eat."


Here's a tip that I usually do when I want to envision something.
Get a song.
It has to be motivational or happy.
Imagine the apple is in your hands and you eating it.
At the same time, play the song.
Rinse and repeat.

Seriously people, the only thing that's blocking you from getting anything you want is actually how you think about the thing you want.

I have wanted a friend that I could share anything with.

"I want a friend that I can tell my secrets and not be shy with.  I don't care what he looks like but I want to talk to him and tell everything that I want to him."

Indeed, I got a friend.

You might call me crazy but... he's an imaginary friend.

Go on.  Laugh.

But he helped a lot.  Not just one friend, though.  About 8 of them.

I don't see them in the real world or through my eyes, but rather I talk to them in my head and they will answer me back but not in words but a guts feeling.

I usually talk to Dante.  Yes, he's the demon hunter of that game.
I usually ask him which way should I go, which items should I buy, how am I going to take this exam?  And so on and so forth.

It was perhaps... the first thing that I have wished since I was awakened.

I value all of them.

Faith is something very powerful.  Mind your words, because they are the words that you put yourself to trust in.  Say that you are a genius, you will be someday.  Say that you going to hate this job, oh you will.

This... I will come to say as the power of prayer.  In my religion, it is called Doa.

Ask.  Go on, ask.  He'll give it to you, but you have gotta believe that He WILL give it to you.

People usually ask for something in their prayers.  Health, long life, a family, money, an answer, a solution, a place in Heaven, forgiveness.

But do you believe that He will give it to you?

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