It is 11:01 P.M. on a Wednesday night, looking at the invisible stars in my hostel window. I am eating chicken, with spices, that my roommate has blackmailed me to buy, two bags of them, and I know it is unhealthy to eat at this late hour but hell... I won't let good chickens go to waste. It was at this hour, I congratulated myself for having The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim : Legendary edition. I bought it for a good RM200+ and it was the most worth it purchase I have ever made. This game just adds spice to an already good seasoned life of mine. Every new start, it completely changes, except of course the main storyline, but Skyrim has never ceased to amaze me with random encounters, bandits, cats that talk, assassins trying to kill me for some reason I never know, weird and funny bugs and glitches, and of course... the dragons.
So, it was at this time that I found a mod. A mod is a modification to the game that players add. In it's core, Skyrim is beautiful. Except when you're running a PC. It's a console-oriented game and consoles are not PC. The Xbox 360 is a good console, but even it's successor cannot match the power of a PC. It just can't. Not even the PS4. I'm not going into details about this but essentially, consoles are worth it's processing power but it sucks at graphics processing. That's why Skyrim on a PC looks like a PS2 version of Crysis 3. That's why Bethesda thought, "Well... we made the game.... but it kinda sucks on PC. Hell to that, I'm not going through that again." And then they made the CK, Creation Kit, for Skyrim.
CK is the GUI for adding things, or deleting, to or from Skyrim. Believe me, a lot of people has gone into making Skyrim but in the 2 weeks of Skyrim release, there's already some billion copies of it sold. Therefore, the power of the user comes in action. CK has made it possible for a lot of Dovahkiin to make Skyrim their own unique place. You can... add people, make more houses, make everything looks more beautiful, modify appearances, making nude females, add new systems, FIX BUGS AND GLITCHES, deleting things that cause bug and glitches, make you look badass, add new spells or shouts, make a new interface, gives Skyrim some penises (not too much thank you UGH WHO WANTS TO SEE THAT), make children killable (nobody's immortal in the game... except you), add lingeries, make new enemies, transform into dragons, make everything super big, and of course... makes everything harder and more realistic. In vanilla (read: original) Skyrim, you don't have to sleep, eat or drink for the whole adventure unless you want to. That's not how a human behave. Not even Dovahkiin.
Therefore, I have installed 208 mods (and counting) to my Skyrim. It has transformed Skyrim into Skyrim-how's-it-supposed-to-be. I made females look better, males actually look like males, reptiles do not suddenly have invisible heads when you decapitate them, and enemies now don't stand around like punch bags waiting for me to kill them. I love it how SkyRe gives meaning to play as a Breton. Summoning 10 fire atronachs in 30 seconds is fucking cool. And overpowered MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA. I love Bretons. They don't just make the cutest females in the game but summoners are the first classes I look forward to in any game. In SW2, as Mitsunari Ishida always say, "I let you do all the work, while I take all the credits."
Fire atronach = Hot Lady on fire |
In any case, the purpose of this post is not just to give a general good idea of Skyrim and it's hundreds of thousands of mods, but also to make an announcement for my first ever project for this fricking blog. I think I have installed as many mods as possible and it's actually time to actually PLAY the damn thing. There will be say... few restarts as I try to balance 200+ mods in an already fragile game (I'm looking at you Papyrus), but I will try to make it at a minimum. I've made thousands of characters for testing Skyrim and I only made it to Alduin ONCE. God. I feel so ashamed of myself right now.
So... I've played Bretons and summoners too much and now to switch to a different play style of wood elves and archers. I like bows and arrows but I am really going into the Legolas sort of play style. Bows and two sabres. With SkyRe, this is possible. Except that Wood Elves, Bosmers, are among the weakest playthrough anyone can get, until you get crossbows. With that, even dragons can fall easily.
Now... in the next few posts I will try to update as much as possible of my Bosmer playthrough of Skyrim. Here's to... Raatul, the female Bosmer archer, and her companions, Lydia and Faendal. Of course, when you go with a playthrough of Hard dificulty and Expert on Deadly Dragons, shit just ain't gonna happen. It's going to be a norm for me to flip shit up and it's up to my Housecarl and Archer to fix things for me.
P.S. Actually when I look back, I always have this "ultimate triforce" in my playthrough. Tank, Damage, and Support. Thank you for that Final Fantasy.
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