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Aug 16, 2012



I'm sure there aren't a lot of people reading this but nonetheless, I will post.

As you all know or not know, I am the one who has been posting since... since the start.

The short stories are my own my idea, coming from where, don't ask me, it just pops up when I feel, do, see, investigate, or even fantasize about something.

As anyone would know or not know too, these are merely stories that sparked up somewhere, therefore I won't look at them much and they are categorised into what I would call, "Short Destinies."

Or I just should call them, "Snippets."

Oh well, whatever they are called, I would like to just say, that if anyone, anyone at all, would want any of the "Short Destinies", SD for short, to be well... a full fledged "Destiny" then please, tell me so.

Of course, I would come up with the whole idea about the story and the main theme is whatnot.  But if you want to add things like plot, or another character, or even a special trait on any character, then please by any means, tell me.

That is... if anyone is reading this... at all.

It's hard to do things when no one is pushing you from behind.

It's harder to do it when you know you don't get much from it.

I'm just passing my time with what I would say I am best at.  Writing.


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