"Like what?"
"I don't know... Some happy memories you have?"
"Heh... Flowers don't always mean happy memories."
They were in the small garden, an inner garden, where the small violet flowers bloom and the thorny bush red roses fragrances hide their horn, where the yellow and the orange blend into one and where the hummingbirds can be seen every single day at one exact time in the morning, where the residents of the big house were always too busy to catch up with probably the single nature lived garden there is in their lives. Two people were in there, excluding the gardener, whose old hands seem to be strong yet to cut the bushes into shapes, cut all the extra leaves, even mow the grasses to a perfect length, he was well on his way to a perfect red rose hedge plant on the other side where he started. His eyes catching the details where he would need to shape.
"Isn't it nigh time we should get back inside and practice some more?" the boy, who's name was Lee, spoke to the girl beside him. He was twirling a flower, still on it's branch. His eyes belies where he come from , the middle east country, the biggest country there is, where trades was centred by. China was lost on his face, probably the reason would be his father, whose origins came from the British line, where his mother would marry his father in a city, Shang Hai, and now both of them were out of the country, probably honey-making all over again and to take care of their shared company, whose name reminds Lee of he really is, all the time.
"Really. You could be so persistent, sometimes, Lee," the girl was looking and touching the roses. Her hands were so delicate at that. Her voice could remind you of the most matured woman, in a business suit that always have a frown on her face, and sometimes could soothe even the grumpiest old man or even the naughtiest of childs. Her face was a thing of it's own, owing hazelnut shaped eyes, a thin lip, a plump nose, and, with her heritage in mind, white as the snow. Her hair was tied up into a ponytail, long enough to reach her bottom, and always clad in every single coloured ribbon anyone would ever see. She was a wearing a nice pink dress that seems to float on her body instead of clinged to it.
"Well, I don't see any reason to come here and just loathe around," Lee said to her. His eyes were on the gardener, still moving slowly around a bush.
"This is called sight-seeing, Lee. It rests your mind after seeing too many notes on a piece of paper," the girl said.
"At least notes make you practice. How old is that man, anyway?" Lee asked.
"53, if I'm not mistaken,"
"My, he's old,"
"Old enough to be my grandfather, yes. He's been here since I was a little girl,"
"Really old. Sonia, shouldn't you help him or something?"
"He wouldn't let me..."
"Ceh. He probably thought a lady can't do his work,"
"Hey! I can do what he's doing, and probably better too!"
"Rather doubt it. Monkey see, monkey do. Doesn't mean the monkey would be better,"
"You and your sayings,"
"At least I can see why he won't let you do his job,"
"And why, praise the lord, is that?"
"Probably because you're too impatient,"
"Impatient??? Well, you should know, that you always have that frown on your forehead. And whenever a man frowns, it means either he's angry or bored. And you snore,"
"I did no such thing! You snore. Loud that even I can't sleep in the next room,"
"Why you- There is nothing wrong with snoring,"
"So you admit you do snore? My, what a surprise,"
"Why, you little. I do not snore,"
"Did. And like a warthog just broke into the house and starts mating with the floor,"
"Well, you should know that your socks smell so much that my rice turns sour at the smell of it. And you better stop 'doing' it with your socks as the cover. It gets really crusty,"
"Wha- You have no rights to spy on me!"
"This is my house, I can do whatever I want,"
"This is your parent's house and I do not do what you just thought I do,"
"Liar. I could smell the bloody thing,"
"Well stop smelling then,"
"Ahha! So, you do mastur-"
"YES, YOU DID. I can hear you breathing loud as a rhino from my room. And it's always when it's time to bed,"
At that time, the gardener was looking at them. His eyes hinted a lot of mischief, though old. And a lot of familiarness in them. Like he'd seen this before in his life. Like he'd been through it.
"You two will get along JUST fine," he said. His smile hinted more than just FINE, though.
The two stopped staring at the old man and blushed deeply.
"No words to ANYONE about this, agreed?"
"Done. Shall we get back to the piano?"
And who would've thought that the two would be tied with each other sooner than expected. Lee's parents were discussing with Sonia's about emerging their company to make a bigger one. The business trip was no more honey-making than that. They agreed that their children will be the tie that bonds the companies together. And besides, both the persons had lived all their lives together and no each of them knew more about themselves than the other one.
The new big company, which will manufacture new clothes and hardware, will be named L & S.
Lee & Sonia.
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