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Aug 27, 2013

Electric Feel

    The days are becoming shorter. It always is when most of it was gone to being with the local gangsters. Not really. They're not really gangsters, or loan sharks but his days with them are being seen as one of them. Most of the time, he watched the other guys do the dirty jobs. Most of it. Whenever he felt particularly filthy that day, there's always his brass knuckles. Those brass knuckles are what saved him most of the time when the days are just bad. That, and his disgust towards himself.

    He couldn't bring himself to leave them. There's always a reason. It has to do with this honor situation where you don't really leave them, you just take a vacation somewhere and when you feel it back again, you can go back. You're still part of them. The whole thing seems like a joke to him but the more days he spent, looking at the other guys burning someone's wife, or punching someone to the brink of death, or even just strutting about like they own the world, the more he realize he's being part of them. You can't just leave when you're part of something like this. More thoughts became from that single thought. Tonight though, he can't seem to think other than that one day.

    The house was burning. He was holding the matchbox. It all seemed reasonable before. The guy didn't pay up for what he borrowed from them. He's been warned three times and they don't usually go three times. You either pay up the first time, or there won't be a second time. The day was Thursday, he remembered vividly because Johnny Killer was premiered that day and he loved that series. That episode, Johny 'Killer' Bern had a job to take out a couple of villains who stole from the National Bank. The plot was the usual; hero gets job, hero finds clues, hero finds villain, villain took something from hero, hero took it back with revenge and completed the job in the meantime. It was a pure joke, straight from the studio.

    His family was in there. Burning to death or choking from all that smoke. The whole building was on fire and it seemed like a party with a bonfire in the middle. The other guys laugh histericaly while he stared at that fire, straining his ears for screaming. The guy had 2 kids, probably 6 and 8 both. A beautiful wife, it was strange the guys don't drag her out with him too. There was a lot of oil and there he was, the only one with a lighter. It all seemed like a dream. The guy was screaming, shouting for his wife and children while being gagged and kicked by the other guys. He stared at that fire long after the man was already dead from all that beating.

    Then, Hewlitt happened. The first company to bring Crysta. Some chemical crap mixed together with some hard to pronounce stuff that emits electricity. Actually emit the stuff, he saw on the tele the other day. Globally needed, Crysta was all out and in energy. You just buy the stuff from the Hewlitt branch. It sold like hot pies on a rainy day. Their factories grew like mushrooms. Even the other guys were into it. Mainly because it also emits a strong hallucination from the clouds of smoke the stuff emits. It wasn't toxic but who knows. Crysta was the meth of energy that the world desperately needed. But times change, and not long after 6 months, the city of Iskandar was transformed into an all out industrial area. Main occupant: Hewlitt.

   He didn't approve the use of the stuff. He never did. But he can see the transformation it brings. Business was business but business with Crysta is another matter. Soon, the gang was involved in the black market. It brings in more money daily and doesn't need much time to handle. They were rich once, then the whole thing collapsed with a new invention from that some company. Nicknamed, Juara, which means Hero. The over powered security robot was custom designed to track misuse of Crysta. Even the police avoid them. They roam around town, the Hewlitt practically own the town, and about 100 of those things could be seen, walking around with those blue eyes. Powered by that electricity - emitting stuff, those androids don't give up easily.

    Then news reached his ear like a thunder. Some guys died when they tried to over heat the crystal-like substance, in order to make more of that cloudy smoke. He barely reached the place before the authority got there. It was a mess. Blood was on everything and there wasn't even a hint where the body was before... something happened. Nobody was alive to tell the tale. Including one of his own. That guy wasn't the nicest but sometimes he helped him through times. At that time, that reason was enough to track down what happened. He dug for information about Crysta, traded for infomation. Twice, he nearly got caught by the Juara, trading some drugs for information. Apparently, the police got their hands on those things and made some adjustments. It was apparent that the mafia age was coming to an end.

    He got this contact with a cop. He hasn't had sleep for the last 3 days, not even naps. He was desperate to get to the bottom of this. One of his contact had successfully convinced a cop to reveal some really top secret stuff about the Juara, and the usage of Crysta. He found out that Crysta was made from acid or something, he can't pronounce it, but the other stuff what made him surprised. Originally, the substance was found on Mars, some space guys got ahold of it and brought it back to earth for study. Then those guys in suits found out that they can actually reproduce the stuff, taking like a stem from it and copy it again and again with some really scientific notations and procedures. He skipped that part. After heating the plant-like substance, they heat it at high temperature, making it 'sweat' or some stuff. The 'sweat' was what was mixed into acid and eventually it will clot into this piece of rock that emits light and electricity. They call it Crysta.

    That was before he met the cop. Now, he's sitting in a chinese stall, eating some kind of noodle with a spicy soup. His leather jacket was making him sweat but he doesn't want to reveal to the shopkeeper the numerous amounts of tattoo he has around his arms. People will see that too and some are wiser than most to call the police or worse, a Juara. The bright bulb, that lonely little bulb, was the only thing lighting the place up. Behind him was a road, filled with cars and people, so the place wasn't that dark. It was just in a corner and the light doesn't go well there. It was a wonder why he chose that spot for the meeting. Someone said the place had good food but it seems he lost his sense of taste.

    Not long after he finished halfway through the noodle, a guy sat slid into the stall beside him. He doesn't need to look up to know that his contacts was right. It was a cop. With that aura around him, and that sense of neatness. It was a good cop too. Probably was in the force not long ago, with some SWAT or something but now too old or too wise to be ordered around like a tool. He probably asked to be an inspector or something. He was wearing that bloody shoe. That dark and shiny shoe that every cop there seems to think it's stylish. It's not. Especially when you're wearing a shirt like that.

    "You're the guy? I thought so," the cop said. He was an indian. With that accent that rang out like he was singing while talking. But that small smile all indian has is gone from that face. He looks weary and old. Probably bored to death now that the Juara are taking up all his jobs. Probably has a grudge or two. "Didn't expect a Malay to get into this kind of stuff. Where's the payment?" Tch. He didn't lose his sense of ordering people like dogs though. He hated being ordered around. So, he slurped the rest of the noodle before meeting eye to eye with the guy.

    "I see the papers, you see the payment, ya?" he asked.
    The cop was no idiot, he gave credit to that. He knows a dangerous man when he sees one. And he was more than that. Cautiously, he stood up and took out some folded papers from his pocket. The trousers are slick, neat and he bet his last cent that it was ironed before he came here. The papers were a little crumpled but the information was there. He made no move to grab at it. He knew better not to.

    "The payment?" the guy said.

    He took one look at the papers and decided that it was real. Cops like that don't lie, even if the order of the day wasn't that honest. He slipped a hand into his jacket, felt for his left pocket. The other guy was readying into a stance, he can see it. He gave off a little smile, amused. Then he took out some Black Crysta, the pure stuff. These things emit double the amount of hallucination smoke than the regular ones but sucks in conducting electricity. Better, and safer. He practically lived on the money he made selling that stuff around. The other guy's eyes glitter like seeing naked lady in front of him, swallowing.

    "Good," he said and put the papers on the table, beside the bowl of noodles. "There, now give me that."

    He didn't even reach his hand out fully before it was snatched away. The guy was probably addicted to the stuff. Poor guy is dead within years if he does. Months if he doesn't regulate like the others. The smoke itself wasn't toxic but when it reached into the lungs and fused with your blood, the iron inside the blood loses to the stuff and if you don't regulate your treatment, your blood will lose that taste of iron and soon you may found yourself unable to breath, move or do pretty much anything else. The stuff eats your blood inside out. It was horrific but that's probably what happened in a lot of cases. No more blood, no more you. Simple as that.

    The indian guy left in a hurry, probably back to his nest. Soon, the chinese guy holding the stall came to him, asking what happened to him. He said the guy just left, and took his order. He was a full and happy man that night.

    Until he reached his car, started the engine, opened the air-conditioner, switched on the indoor lights, and took a look at the papers. There was a lot of notations here and there, markings. None of it makes sense except one part. That part made him read that same sentence twice, three times before he looked up.

    "Juara is equipped with the most advanced technology of modern times and the AI is based on a super-controlled part of the human race. It's brain is developed into an actual size of the human's and powered by life itself, a Crysta in it's heart core. But that isn't enough for the Juara programming. It needed another ingredient, a secret one that can make the Juara the most human-like response towards a lot of things. That is this: "

    "The human brain," he whispered the word. "A live one."

    He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and gulped down saliva. When he opened them up again, he was looking at a street corner, a dark alley where nobody would care about anything there, if there was anybody.  But there was somebody there. It looked like a boy. No, it's coming closer. There's something wrong with it. He switched on the lights and move his head forward.

    "Oh shi-"

    The silencer made two burst of twitch. Both the bullets took him at the temple, right at the head. He was dead. The culprit made his way to the car, pulled at the door, and shoot him twice more. Just to make sure. Then he reached inside, took the papers, now bloodied, took a look and turned away. The light on the car was still on, it's engine still burning. The culprit reached the end of the alley and ran. A smoke escaped the back of his head, now noisy with sounds of respiration, like a steam train. But it ran on forward, towards a factory that marked as 'Hewlitt'.

    It was 50 years after that when Iskandar City was renamed as Hewlitton. Crysta was becoming better and better and a new model of Juara came out, named Juara Runner. A smaller frame, almost boyish teenage outer layer and a whole new system to it. It was powered by Crysta, of couse, and every 30 minutes or so, a smoke of yet-to-be-toxic substance escaped from the back of it's head. Right about then, a 19 year old boy stumbled into an amazing discovery in his small secret cave beneath the city. His name is Tuah and he discovered what a dead man discovered 50 years before. He was not surprised.

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