The sun's up on our head.
The campus stares at you and you stare back.
Since the mid-sem break hasn't ended yet, the dudes are gone. Only a couple stay here during the four days holiday.
It's bloody quite with nothing but the fans' blades buzzing sound, and the occasional quark of a bird and a chirp of a baby bird.
And here I am, wishing I could call up that one person and hear her voice again, whether it be the angry grumpy one or the cute one I heard during my last day at Johor.
Nah, let's not get sentimental here, looks like I'm gonna start bawing or something.
Every now and then, I drifted back to the day when they chose me as a candidate for the Educamp and, well, UTP student.
I still can't believe I got chosen. I still ask myself, "How the hell do I get myself in this situation?"
And the answer shot through my brain. "Because. That's why."
Dammit man, gimme a clue from up there, will ya????
The days are quite the same, with the somewhat strange feeling I get whenever I enter the lectures and the new guys start to realize that I am not like them. At all. From any angle.
Still a weirdo and a freak, I still remain, I see. No surprise.
But the question of one of my dream coming true, is becoming WHEN will that dream come true, never an IF anymore.
Oh yeah.
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