Of all the things i wanted to say today, i started with the most depressing quote ever... Unless you play P3 that is...
Let's get started.
I was walking down the road...
Then it hit me. I have a talent. Maybe. Probably. Yes. I have a talent and that is writing. Well, I couldn't say I'm not good at it but at least i have tried many times at it, and since i was 14 years old, I have written many, so many pages of test pads worth of half my imaginations and that is barely half of work i have ever done since. I have created many short and long stories and have many written down somewhere, mostly in my exam papers, but the stories i have written down is still there in my head.
What I'm trying to say is, I have a talent and I almost cannot believe it until, of course, I wrote down my first ever story. Who unleashed this little power inside of me and bring it up to light you ask? Well, first of all I have one to many teachers I should thank, probably the ones that taught me english from when I was in kindergarten. I have issues, and one of them was: I cannot stop thinking. Not a moment at all.
And to even f*** it up, I can even lose control of those ideas that sometimes when i'm writing them down, they flow like water, and nothing's holding it up like it was waterfall and at the bottom of it is a huge amount paper. Once, I had used up 8 papers, both sides and all of them filled with words, simply because I've lost it. Yes, at that time, I've lost it. My hands were shaking. Well... by then I knew that something is inside my bloody mind and I had to get it out before it bursts! That particular "essay" I wrote was a story that one of my english teachers gave that I have already forgotten. It was some sort of tests. I got an A-. But who cares?
Well from moment on, I have addicted myself to buy papers, and lots of them, and bring them around with me no matter what, so even if I was going somewhere I have paper around with me. Not that I use them that is, but as a main focus of my so called "talent" so that it knows it will be written down.
Meet Nenene Sumiregawa, my virtual mentor. She's one of the reason I have taken up writing, I guess...
And that my friend, was only a tenth of what I am going to tell you.
Well, of course, there's a lot more but me being me, I will not tell them all at the same time. Suspense, and let it build it until the reader can't handle it no more. Then, BAM! Revelation.
One part I want to tell you though.
Be thankful that you have a clean past, present and future. Because a lot of people out there, some of them I know, a lot of them had never tasted the true love of parents. Trust me when I say this. You are very lucky, if you have both of your parents looking at you, loving you, caring for you, because even in the depths of the most advanced country, there is always that one person whose life is messed up from top to bottom. Really messed up.
I have promised one of those people that I will not tell anybody about her pasts, present and secrets. I intend to keep it. But me being me, I cannot imagine that someone could even live after withstanding all of those tortures and sadness and pain. Now, I believe I can.
I am Ledge, the pronunciation of L.E.G. which is a title that I gave myself without meaning of compromise.
And I intend to hold the promise that came with such a title.